Baker, Bob
Cultural Advisor, Performer
Bob Baker (Squamish Ancestral name is S7aplek, Hawaiian name is Lanakila) is the co-founder and spokesperson for Spakwus Slolem (Eagle Song), the most reputable dance group of the Squamish Nation. Born and raised Squamish, Bob has been exercising his culture through singing, dancing and various presentations, for over 35 years.
Accomplishments range from revival of Sea-going Canoes and traditions, to cultural projects such as the 27 ft. Grandmother Welcome Figure at Ambleside Beach, to dance presentations in Taiwan, Hawaii, Japan and Switzerland (Montreaux Jazz Festival), to opening ceremonies for the Western Canada Summer Games, Nation Aboriginal Hockey Championships, International U18 Lacrosse Championships, and recently, the opening ceremony for the Canada Aboriginal Music Awards, to Blessing Ceremonies for B.C. Ferries in Germany and the Tall Ships flotilla at English Bay, Vancouver. On-going performances and projects continue throughout the Lower Mainland, Vancouver, Squamish-Whistler and Vancouver Island.