Earlier this month we held a Network Leaders meeting in Vancouver, with over 40 educators from across the province gathered to deepen our conversations about inquiry and planning our Network…
Welcome back to school, everyone. We’re excited about all of the possibility that this new school year offers and hope you are too! While it may seem like a long…
Network schools across BC have submitted their NOII and AESN inquiry focuses and are now in the thick of working through the Spiral – implementing actions based on their scanning…
The extended Lower Mainland Networks of Inquiry and Innovation and Aboriginal Enhancement Schools Network schools will be meeting later this week. Please see the time/location details below. Please feel free…
It was an amazing day of learning and collaboration yesterday at the Fall Network Leaders Meeting. What a treat to have the meeting hosted at ArtStarts in downtown Vancouver –…
The NOII and Canadian Assessment for Learning Network (CAfLN) have teamed up to offer the Assessment For Learning Drive-In for mid-Vancouver Island educators and network teams. This will be an…