Key NOIIE Resources
The Spirals of Inquiry: for equity and quality (2013) handbook offers specific inquiry tools, research evidence and examples from practice in BC schools. It presents an approachable and yet innovative framework for inquiry that is influencing schools and districts across BC and in other parts of the world. Proceeds from book sales go directly to inquiring schools. To order copies, please contact us.
The Spiral Playbook (2017) is a condensed, plain language version of Spirals of Inquiry and tells of the work of many educators in BC and the Yukon. It is also a fundraiser for the Aboriginal Enhancement Schools Network. You can obtain copies by contacting Jennifer at the BCPVPA offices.
Improving Transitions for Indigenous Learners report explores how collaborative inquiry can help educators to improve transitions for Indigenous students—from grade to grade, school to school, and beyond school. It draws on insights from ten inquiry teams across British Columbia and from the coaches who were assigned to support their inquiries.
Decision Making Resources
The Decision Playbook
Written by Lee Failing, Robin Gregory, Graham Long & Brooke Moore

Young people are powerful. Increasingly they are making decisions on the world stage that are improving our world’s trajectory. If we educators can rally around them and teach them the skills laid out in this book, then we are all empowered to take positive action in the world.
Delta Learns Website
Check out Delta Learns website to learn more about:
- Why decision-making moves matter
- Stuff that traps us
- Classroom decision-making tools
And much more!
The Delta Learns website is brought to you by educators at the Delta School District and Decision Scientists: Lee Failing, Graham Long, and Robin Gregory.
Professional Learning Resources
Leadership Mindsets: Innovation and Learning in the Transformation of Schools (2009), written by Judy Halbert & Linda Kaser
This book outlines an alternative way of thinking about school leadership. It examines research evidence that leaders will find most useful and suggests how they might use this evidence to maximize their learning and the learning of their students. Leadership Mindsets has been written specifically for aspiring to newly-appointed school leaders who are determined and motivated to create quality and equality for learners in the schools they serve, through networks of inquiry, learning and support.
Adaptive Expertise and the Spiral of Inquiry
Professor Emeritus Helen Timperley
Faculty of Education
The University of Auckland
Click here for Helen Timperley’s powerpoint presentation on how collaborative inquiry, utilizing the Spirals approach, is a key way to develop adaptive expertise and to address complex challenges.
A Focus on Equity and Excellence in Networks of Inquiry, written by Judy Halbert & Linda Kaser, is a piece published in the QASSP journal for the Queensland Association of Primary School Principals.
Griffin State school’s Powerpoint presentation, What Matters Most in Our Classroom Environment, presented by Jessica Lewis at the 2019 Symposium. This presentation focuses on what matters in the visible classroom, and how “working walls” can effectively teach and document the learning journey.
Delta School District’s Culture of
Collaborative Professional Inquiry
Brooke Moore and the team in Delta have been using short videos for the past few years to tell the stories of individual school inquiries.
BC Ministry of Education Resources
Indigenous Education in BC
Here is a wonderful resource from the BC Ministry of Education. It provides a framework and content for a professional learning opportunity focused on how to bring Indigenous knowledge, content and perspectives into the classroom.
Click here for the resources!