Mile 108 Elementary SD#27 Cariboo-Chilcotin

School Name: Mile 108 Elementary

School District: SD#27 Cariboo-Chilcotin

Inquiry Team Members:Susan Soules:, Kevin McLennan:, Diane Matlock:, John Foote:, Steve Almond:, Tammie Ozanne:, Rubina Johnson:, Rebecca Eilers:, Morgan Summers:, Heather Greenhalgh:

Inquiry Team Contact Email:

Type of Inquiry: NOII (focus on core competencies, OECD learning principles, etc.)

Grade Levels: Primary (K-3), Intermediate (4-7)

Curricular Area(s): Not applicable

Focus Addressed: Self-regulation, Social and emotional learning

In one sentence, what was your focus for the year? We will focus on self-regulation and explore implementing programs (or versions thereof) into classes. We are interested to see if direct teaching of regulation translates into better student achievement.

Scanning: Teachers were invited into informal conversations and then asked to complete a short form that asked them to think deeply about “where their class is at” and to document their top 3 concerns. They were then asked to describe these concerns and how they know them to be true.

Focus: The information from the conversations and forms were collated, discussed and focused down to finding that regulation across K-7 was the largest concern.

Hunch: We simply don’t teach to regulation and yet we expect our kids to show up and be ready for learning. With our rapidly changing demographic, we are finding it a struggle to get kids ready to learn. We take large pieces of our days away from teaching and learning by having to focus more on management.

New Professional Learning: At this point of the year (November) we will look at implementation of programs (such as Zones of Regulation) and/or get release time to observe each other’s practice and pick out the pieces around regulation we can try in our own classrooms. We may be interested in accessing some expertise through a guest speaker/teacher and/or accessing pro-d opportunities around this.

Taking Action: ‘The Zones of Regulation’ books were purchased for each teacher. Groups met every two weeks and discussed readings from the book and how it translated into the classrooms. As we went along, a particular focus was on the ‘toolkit’ section, where students are taught to use certain tools to help regulate themselves. These skills were reinforced throughout the year, along with all other aspects of the program.

Checking: By implementing Zones, we have created a common language and knowledge base in every student when it comes to social/emotional learning. We have raised awareness in our students about their readiness for learning and what to do about it if they are not. Students have learned acceptance of themselves and to be present. Students are more self-aware and more mindful of the things that drive other’s behaviours as well as their own (triggers, etc). While what we implemented isn’t easily assessed, the staff has agreed that the learning taking place through Zones was beneficial and is worth taking further in years to come.

Reflections/Advice: I think Zones is a good entry into social/emotional learning. Our staff has become comfortable enough with Zones that I think they realize its limitations – to the point that at least a few teachers are ready to dive deeper into SEL and implement other practices beyond what Zones can provide.

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