I. General Information
School Name: William Konkin Elementary
School District: SD#91 Nechako Lakes
Inquiry Team Members: Karie Evans: kevans@sd91.bc.ca, Kris MacCulloch: kmacculloch@sd91.bc.ca, Mhari Proctor: mproctor@sd91.bc.ca, Shawnese Trottier: strottier@sd91.bc.ca
Inquiry Team Contact Email: Kevans@sd91.bc.ca
II. Inquiry Project Information
Type of Inquiry: NOIIE
Grade Levels Addressed Through Inquiry: Intermediate (4-7)
Curricular Areas Addressed: Language Arts – Literacy, Language Arts – Oral Language, Language Arts – Reading, Language Arts – Writing
Focus Addressed: Indigenous understandings (for example, Traditional Knowledge, oral history, reconciliation), Core competencies (for example, critical thinking, communication, problem solving), Differentiated instruction, First Peoples Principles of Learning, Inclusion and inclusive instructional strategies
In one sentence, what was your focus for the year? Addressing diverse learner needs in literacy in intermediate classrooms
III. Spirals of Inquiry Details
Scanning: We used formative assessment, district, school, and Ministry quantitative and qualitative data, conversation, observations and discussions.
Focus: We were concerned with learning gaps caused by the pandemic, but also by other student absences and diverse learning needs. After assessing learners early in the year, we found an overwhelming diversity in experience and abilities.
Hunch: Emerging readers’ literacy instruction focused on primary learners.
New Professional Learning: We worked extensively with our district literacy specialist and district librarian to design differentiated literacy instruction.
Taking Action: We implemented book club to address diverse reader needs, and student self-publishing project-based learning to address diverse writing abilities.
Photo (above): Grade 6 Book Club, Ms Proctor’s class (photo credit: Karie Evans)
Checking: We were pleased with learner engagement and noticed that student choice increased their buy-in. When students created graphic novels based on their own stories, they committed to creating a high quality document.
Reflections/Advice: We are planning to directly address indigenization of literacy learning, and will explore land-based journals and writing next year.