Registration is now open for the 2021 NOIIE Symposium. This year’s theme is fitting for our first ever online format — Unmuted: Turn Up the Volume. What areas of our practice are we “turning up” to make a real difference for our learners?
Dates, Times, & Symposium Registration
May 12, 3:45 – 5:00pm
May 13, 3:45 – 6:00pm
The 2021 NOIIE Symposium will be fully online.
Cost: $150 + gst per person.
Registration is limited. Register here.
* Online registration is through Delta School District with Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Visa debit card. International guests, please note: Due to a glitch in the registration system, for Province please enter BC and a generic postal code (V1V 1V1) so that you can register. Having trouble registering online? Please contact us. Registration is for the full Symposium. Daily rates are not offered.
Program Details
Click here to view the 2021 Symposium program.
Symposium Hosts:
- Michelle Iacobucci, Rocky Mountain School District
- Angela Stott, Kamloops/Thompson School District
Perspectives, Stories, and Inquiries in Action:
- Jana Fox (SD 54 Bulkley Valley) & members of the second BC study cohort for Improving Transitions for Indigenous Learners
- Laura Tait (SD 68 Nanaimo/Ladysmith) and Nicole Davey (SD 54 Bulkley Valley) sharing perspectives on Indigenous Education in BC – Looking Back, Moving Forward
Keynote Speakers:
- Dr. Linda Kaser & Dr. Judy Halbert, Co-Directors NOIIE
- Dr. Alan Daly, Professor & Director of Educational Leadership Joint Doctoral Program, University of California
- Dr. Amelia Peterson, Founding Faculty, London Interdisciplinary School
What else can I expect?
Lots! Including opportunities for fun & networking in a virtual format. A detailed program will be shared with participants closer to the event.