New Zealand’s network is led by Rebbecca Sweeney a leadership coach and education consultant. Rebbecca supports a number of New Zealand schools in utilizing the Spirals of Inquiry approach, to better the learning of all. Rebbecca shares her knowledge and work with collaborative inquiry internationally and domestically, positively influencing teaching and learning around the world! She is also supporting schools in Hawai’i and Rarotonga to use the Spiral of Inquiry.
New Zealand

Rebbecca Sweeney
Start of Year Planning Guide
This is an excellent tool for anyone leading the implementation of the Spiral of Inquiry. Make a copy and use this template to identify what you want to achieve for the year with the support of the Spiral of Inquiry Framework.
Scanning Guide
This is a simple form that collaborative inquiry teams can use to create Scanning questions. This form was created specifically to link Scanning questions to Te Mātaiaho Whakapapa and Essential Pedagogies, however you can use this form with your own school/district specific pedagogies.
Focusing Guide
This is a simple form that collaborative inquiry teams can use after they have gathered their Scanning data together. Use this form to help find your team’s inquiry focus before moving the Developing a Hunch.
Developing a Hunch Guide
This guide will help you and your team to move through some activities to Develop a Hunch (or two). The guide will help you to consider the practices you’re using that may be contributing to a learner challenge identified in earlier phases.
Leadership Challenges Reflection Sheet
This is an excellent tool for anyone leading the implementation of the Spiral of Inquiry. Make a copy and use it to do a self review of your leadership capability or work with a partner or team to do this together.