Whole Education is a dynamic network of schools and partners who are united in their belief that all children and young people deserve a full rounded education – including the knowledge, skills and qualities that help them thrive in life, learning and work. An important part about Whole Education, is that their schools and Trusts are devoted to sharing with and learning from each other as a way to achieve this. Whole Education is proud to support schools in England using the internationally recognized Spirals of Inquiry model, originated by Judy Halbert & Linda Kaser of British Columbia, Canada.
England - Whole Education Network
Learn more
- Whole Education Website
- Whole Education
Spirals of Inquiry Resource Bank - Whole Education Spirals and Exclusions PDF Reducing Inappropriate Exclusions at Secondary: A School-led enquiry project for equity and quality
- Victoria Education Centre International Spirals of Inquiry Project (2020-2021)