Video Resources
The purpose of Networks of Inquiry and Innovation (NOII) & Aboriginal Enhancement Schools Network (AESN) is to create an inquiry community where people learn and work together to ensure that every Aboriginal learner crosses the stage with dignity, purpose and options, and together, we eliminate racism in schools.
NOIIE Spiral of Inquiry
A 2020 piece done on the accomplishments that BC School Districts and NOIIE are seeing, around increasing Indigenous participation and success in schools around the province.
A 2019 piece done on the accomplishments that BC School Districts and NOIIE are seeing, around increasing Indigenous participation and success in schools around the province.
AESN Resources
Through the Aboriginal Enhancement Schools Network, a number of BC school teams are focusing on improving transitions for Aboriginal students — from elementary to middle/secondary school and from secondary to post-secondary — through a disciplined approach to educator inquiry.
Classroom Resources/Tools
Assessment Literacy – BC Ministry of Education
The Network started with a focus on classroom assessment and we maintain the strong conviction that assessment for and as learning is the bridge from the sorting to the learning system. We encourage everyone to watch this video, to use the accompanying facilitators’ guide and to pay close attention to the classroom and assessment supports that are provided.
Yukon Education Primary Place-Based Learning Network
Betty Burns (Yukon Primary Curriculum Consultant), Jesse Jewell (Yukon Experiential Curriculum Consultant), and George Bahm (Yukon First Nations Advisor), facilitated and engaged K-3 teachers in a place-based learning network with the goal of inspiring and equipping teachers to make a meaningful difference for their leaners using the Spiral of Inquiry.
Amber Harper and Michelle Gillard, teachers at Christ the King Elementary School in Whitehorse, Yukon and Yukon Education Learning Network Participants, used the Spiral of Inquiry to make a meaningful difference in the lives of their students by exploring the importance of developing a sense of place. They were participants in the Yukon Education Primary Place Based Learning Network during the 2018-2019 school year.
Nicole Cross and Camille Luks are teachers at Porter Creek Secondary School in Whitehorse, Yukon. They used the Spiral of Inquiry to make a meaningful difference in the lives of their students by teaching to diversity and supporting inclusion through designing support for all learners using a Multiple Experts Model. Camille and Nicole are long-standing members of the Yukon Education Learning Networks.
NOIIE Symposiums
The 2016 Symposium – Passion, Purpose and Persistence: Making it Real – attracted educators from all over BC, the Yukon, the US and Australia, and showcased numerous examples of innovative educational leadership in BC and beyond.