Exciting New Resources

By February 17, 2015AESN, case studies, resources

We have a few exciting resources to share – hope you enjoy exploring them!

First Peoples Principles of Learning
There is a new blog available that outlines strategies to help us understand and apply the First Peoples Principles of Learning. This is a really brilliant resource, whether you are new to learning about the Principles, or if you are already starting to incorporate them into your classroom.  It’s also a work in progress and the developers welcome your feedback.

Toolkit for Innovative Teaching and Learner Success
The Delta School District has developed a set of resources linked the to the OECD principles of learning. Again, this is still a work in progress – and what a lot of progress there is!

Regional Network Meeting – Jan. 19, 2015
We’ve created a new section on the NOII website to house presentations from our local meetings, or presentations that Network members share with us. Check this out on the Resources page of the website.

2013 – 2014 Network Case Studies – now available!!
We are overwhelmed by the quality and number of case studies showcasing the work of Network schools during 2013 – 2014. This is truly amazing given that all of this happened during a job action year. When you are meeting in your regions, why not showcase a sample of case studies to prompt discussion, and encourage schools to take a closer look at what is happening elsewhere. Both the NOII and AESN case studies are now up on the website.

Have other resources you think we should share? Please pass them on!

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