How many times do children hear the word “no” at home or school on a daily basis? How do you think this impacts their willingness to work through challenges and their capacity to stay curious? Judy addresses (so eloquently, I might add!) these questions in her recent TEDx talk presented in West Vancouver earlier this fall. And more importantly, she challenges us as educators to strive to “get beyond no” in our teaching, as well as nurture this ability in our learners.
She begins by referring to Chris Kennedy’s – Superintendent of Schools in West Vancouver – “Culture of Yes” blog (check it out if you haven’t already), and her opinion that in developing a culture a yes, we first need to get beyond no….by being open to new ideas, building the capacity to see opportunities rather than obstacles, and be willing to take risks.
Judy’s reference to the Lil’wat concept of watchful listening as one strategy we can use to begin to build resilience for our students to get beyond all the ‘no’ responses in life really resonated with me. To learn more about this, please watch the video and share it with your colleagues.
We also continually updating our “Resources” page on the NOII website, so check back often for new additions. We just posted the European Journal of Education article Creating and Sustaining Inquiry Spaces For Teacher Learning and System Transformation (Linda Kaser and Judy Halbert, 2014) which provides a succinct overview of the progress of the Networks over the past 15 years.