We are lucky to have David Istance, senior member of the OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), joining us for the NOII Symposium this year as a featured speaker.
David has published and presented extensively on such topics as lifelong learning and equity. With the OECD, two very recent publications include Education Today: The OECD Perspective (2009) and (with Henno Theisens) Trends Shaping Education (2008). David has also worked at the Universities of Cardiff and Swansea and he remains an Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Cardiff.
David heads the long running OECD Schooling for Tomorrow program as well as the new Innovative Learning Environments (ILE) project, which is interested in analyzing how young people learn and what conditions and dynamics contribute to better learning environments. As many of you know, BC has been identified as one of the five international learning labs in this project, partly as a result of the sustained focus on networked inquiry and leadership development connected to the NOII. If you are new to this project or want to learn more, this Practitioners Guide to The Nature of Learning, Using Research to Inspire Practice includes a good summary of the seven key learning principles that some NOII schools are using to inform their inquiries this school year.
We’re excited for David to share more with us in May. We’ve included one of his recent presentations below, via slideshare.