As another busy school year comes to a close, the year-end case studies are starting to trickle in and we are so inspired by the stories of learning, collaboration and inquiry that schools and districts are sharing. This time of year is one of both celebration and reflection. And it is so encouraging, as we read through your stories, to be reminded of how fortunate we are here in BC to have engaged, passionate, authentic educators leading our world-class education system. Together, we are making change for ALL of our learners!
We will soon share all of the case studies on our website (and a reminder to submit these to Donna by June 30th). But to give you a small taste of the caliber of work happening around the province, take a look at the learning around Innovation and Inquiry that took place in SD 68 Nanaimo Ladysmith over the past year.
Thanks to Linda Baldwin – SD 68’s District Innovation and Inquiry Coordinator (how cool is that title!) – for collating the stories shared at the district’s Celebration on May 31st and putting together this slideshow capturing the school inquiries that were shared at the Celebration. Fairview Community School chose to create video case studies this year (also cool!).
Linda also shared learning from the first year of the district’s Innovation and Inquiry Lead Teacher Initiative, which she coordinated on behalf of the district. This team of lead teachers engaged in a system level inquiry, coming together several times over the course of the school year, and working specifically at building capacity with collaborative inquiry as a professional learning strategy and supporting instructional leadership at the school level. This slideshow shares contributions from the Innovation and Inquiry Lead Teachers, with each providing one slide that was representative of one highlight (project, inquiry, collaboration) of their work from the school year. This truly is an innovation approach and model for building leadership and capacity. Do you think it could work in your school district? Something to consider for next year!
More stories to come soon. Enjoy the last week of school everyone!