Charles Hayes Secondary SD#52 Prince Rupert

School Name: Charles Hayes Secondary

School District: SD#52 Prince Rupert

Inquiry Team Members: Lori Burger <>;
Aja Lihou <>; James Zlatanov <>;
Roberta Edzerza <>;
Sandy Beckwith <>;
Danielle Dueck <>;
Raegan Sawka <>;
Nancy Griffith-Zahner <>; Kathy Offutt <>;
Lonni Bryant <>

Inquiry Team Contact Email:

Type of Inquiry: NOIIE Transitions (focus on Indigenous learner transitions)

Grade Levels: Secondary (8-12)

Curricular Area(s): Other: cross curricular multi grade

Focus Addressed: Indigenous understandings (for example, Traditional Knowledge, oral history, reconciliation), Core competencies (for example, critical thinking, communication, problem solving), Experiential learning, First Peoples Principles of Learning, Indigenous pedagogy, Inquiry-based learning, Land, Nature or Place-based learning, Social and emotional learning, Transitions

In one sentence, what was your focus for the year? Our inquiry is ongoing, but due to the pandemic restrictions and protocols in the K-12 education system, this year was an exchange of ideas and focus on how to move forward, rather than hosting of the transitions feast.

Scanning: This was a self reflective process in looking at years past and how we can move forward. In not being able to host the transitions feast, we came together to discuss ways that we could improve transitions and look at new inquiries in the coming year.

Focus: We want to build on the successes of the previous transitions feasts and create a sense of belonging with students despite pandemic restrictions. One such method in focusing on transitions was to reduce the number of transitions in a given day. More time for students with one teacher creates a sense of community and belonging in the school.

Hunch: Pandemic protocols and the environmental impacts at large caused us to have concern as to how students would be able to have a sense of belonging. In meeting during this year, we discussed ways we could move forward together in the coming year, and created foundational plans for additional projects related to the inquiry.

New Professional Learning: Our inquiry goals relate to the school goals, which relate to the school district strategic plan, equity plan and Ministry of Education goals. We utilized the rubric from the BCPVPA Leadership Planning Guide on Indigenous understandings and have been revisiting it.

Taking Action: We met with our school staff and utilized the Indigenous understandings rubric for individuals and as a school, in order to assess where our focus areas could be and to ensure they are incorporated into school plans, while ensuring the involvement of all staff members toward common goals.

Checking: Checking took place in the form of reflective dialogue through meetings to discuss ways in which this process can be improved for next year.

Reflections/Advice: In the coming year we hope to support staff in tempering the push to focus on content, and focusing on building relationships with students to ensure the sense of community, and belonging, which is even more important for students who have not been at school as much this year.

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