Innovative Learning Environments – New Publication

By November 21, 2013Uncategorised

Linda and I are looking forward to being part of the program at the upcoming OECD leadership conference on Innovative Learning Environments Dec 3-5 in Barcelona. Our contribution is focused on how networks of inquiry and leadership development can influence and support system transformation. There are some really valuable resources available on the ILE website including the recently released publication analyzing and synthesizing themes from the cases submitted from around the world. We are pleased that three BC cases feature prominently in this publication.

Another resource that is coming from the ILE  research study focuses on leadership and the kind of leadership that promotes and sustains innovation. We look forward to sharing this resource with our grad students (and anyone else who is interested!)  in the new year  and to thinking even more closely about how we can incorporate the international findings into our work here at home.

All the resources can be found on the ILE site
 Look for the BC cases – and think about how many other BC cases could have been included. There are lots!!!

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