I. General Information
School Name: Maddaugh Elementary
School District: SD#36 Surrey
Inquiry Team Members:
Inquiry Team Contact Email: whintors_n@surreyschools.ca
II. Inquiry Project Information
Type of Inquiry: NOIIE Case Study
Grade Levels Addressed Through Inquiry: Primary (K-3)
Curricular Areas Addressed: Arts Education, Science, Social Studies
Focus Addressed: Indigenous understandings (for example, Traditional Knowledge, oral history, reconciliation), Core competencies (for example, critical thinking, communication, problem solving), Experiential learning, Indigenous pedagogy, Land, Nature or Place-based learning
In one sentence, what was your focus for the year? Place is any environment, locality, or context with which people interact to learn, create memory, reflect on history, connect with culture, and establish identity. The connection between people and place is foundational to First Peoples perspectives of the world.
III. Spirals of Inquiry Details
Scanning: Through the scanning process we wanted to get an overview of our students, their areas of strength and areas to grow. Our student strengths are curiosity and passion about the world around them. They love outdoor learning and engaging with the land.
Focus: Our students love outdoor learning and art. We wanted to support our children in connecting to the land in meaningful ways. Starting with how their family connects to the land, and then moving to themselves. In this way, we wanted to build family connection to the land. What is your family’s connection to land and what does that mean to you? We began by having families curate mini land-based art galleries and a short note explaining their connection to land.
Hunch: Our school has been connecting to Coast Salish animals that reflected in privacy screens within our school. At the start of our school year, we as a school (students and teachers), voted on what animals we wanted to guide us and support us in our school learning. Our mascot is the wolf, the staqaya; we also chose the hummingbird, the orca, the bear, the salmon, and the eagle.
New Professional Learning: We explored Indigenous art work and how their work reflects the world around them. We had artist Ryan Hughes in to support us through his vision of how he connects to land.
Taking Action: We engaged classes sharing their art tins aloud, we engaged in weekly outdoor learning, we chose a plant or animal we connect with, and began researching our connection to land.
Checking: Yes! I believe we made powerful connections to place both for children and their parents. Our story boards are hung in our outdoor classroom for all families and students to see.
Reflections/Advice: https://youtu.be/G71ElkwMmvk