Over the last few weeks, celebrations of networked learning have been held in twelve sites around the province. Linda and I were able to attend several and in every spot, we were deeply impressed with the quality of the work, the focus on learners owning their own learning, the teamwork across roles, and the dedication and commitment of all of you to achieving our shared vision of EVERY learner crossing the stage with dignity, purpose and options. We have seen countless examples of the positive impact of formative assessment and the confidence learners demonstrate when they can answer the three key questions: Where are you going wih your learning? How is it going? and Where to next? We came away from both the seminar and the celebrations more convinced than ever about the power of networked inquiry to create both quality and equity.
Later this month, along with some Network colleagues, we are meeting with the Minister of Education to share some of our observations about the impact of the Network. We would welcome any observations that you would like to share and invite you to post or email us your comments.