Focus: Exploring the connection between literacy development and nature-based learning experiences involving place-based Indigenous knowledge, storytelling, and learning through the natural environment.
Focus: Increasing literacy skills for intermediate-aged Indigenous learners who were two or more years below grade level.
Focus: Helping students, particularly Indigenous students, improve their reading skills and identity as a reader.
Focus: We hoped that playful learning experiences, based on core competency learning and understanding, would help motivate and engage our students and move them beyond an ‘indifferent attitude’ and improve mindsets, and academic achievement in literacy and numeracy.
Focus: We hoped that a playful approach for learning would help all our students, but particularly our Indigenous students adopt a more positive mindset and move students from an expressed indifference in learning to engaged learning.
Focus: Developing a deeper and broader understanding of number sense, from K-6, with a focus on improving numeracy outcomes for Indigenous learners.
Focus: How will gamifying literacy practices enhance student abilities to engage with, and grow phonemic awareness and phonics skills?
Focus: To use Story Workshop strategies and the haahuupaa philosophy (teaching with kindness/Indigenous way of knowing) to inspire joy and confidence in writing.
Focus: To apply numeracy skills, creative/critical thinking, and problem solving through the experience of carving a Secwepemc Cottonwood dugout canoe to see if we can increase student motivation, sense of belonging and engagement with numeracy.
Focus: How can independent reading and story studios be combined to increase student accountability around just right texts, as well as formative assessment?