Network schools are now fully engaged in their school inquiries, collaborating across roles and schools to improve teaching and learning in their districts. Please take a few moments to scan…
You know what’s exciting about this school year? Inquiry and team work seems to be a buzz all over the province! We’ve already heard from quite a few of you…
Network schools across BC have submitted their NOII and AESN inquiry focuses and are now in the thick of working through the Spiral – implementing actions based on their scanning…
Network schools are now fully engaged in their NOII and AESN inquiries, collaborating across roles and schools to improve teaching and learning in their districts. Please take a few moments…
Over the last few weeks we have been receiving inquiry plan submissions from schools across the province (see here for how to submit). There is very inspiring, collaborative professional learning…
It has been exciting to hear about the Network meetings taking place across the province over the last few weeks. As just one example, Prince Rupert had a packed house…
There are many educators with the Richmond School District that have been engaged with the Network and embracing the Spiral, and news ways of thinking and learning together. They recently…
Among the key features of the Network from its very inception is that participation in networked inquiry is always open and always voluntary. We also expect school teams to include…