Focus: To have our incoming students from grade 5 and their families gain a greater sense of community.
We explored using a multi-year, academically focused cohort model to see if we could establish a greater sense of belonging and connection to impact transition rates positively
Focus: Relationships and connections on multiple levels and in many directions.
Focus: To have our incoming from elementary school grade 6’s gain a greater sense of community.
Focus: To use a supported cohort model to increase the transitions rate by providing a greater sense of belonging and connection.
Focus: On developing foundational skills in Early Literacy that are required for children to successfully read and write at the primary level.
Focus: Increasing outdoor education activities, specifically through inquiry-based structure building, in order to develop communication and problem-solving skills amongst the students.
Focus: Our inquiry is ongoing, but due to the pandemic restrictions and protocols in the K-12 education system, this year was an exchange of ideas and focus on how to move forward, rather than hosting of the transitions feast.
Focus: To add layers of depth and understanding to the learning feast, welcoming grade 8’s to the high school.
Focus: How can we make a school-wide positive behaviour reinforcement program that coincides with the core competencies? Is it possible to integrate Indigenous perspectives into this program?
Focus: To check in with our students regarding the impact of our first annual Transitions Learning Luulgit (Feast) and to use the information to prepare for this year’s Luulgit.
Focus: The Kindergarten and Grade 4 class are looking to work together as buddies to focus on how they can build a greater sense of resiliency, empathy and school community through STEM activities.
Focus: The implementation of Computational Thinking (CT) across the curriculum to develop and extend students’ problem-solving skills.